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You probably haven't heard of the soon-to-be 24-year-old
Magnus Carlsen. He is perhaps one of the few world
champions that many people have never heard of. By most
accounts Carlsen is the world's greatest chess player alive
(and perhaps even dead). The assumption is and always has
been that chess is just a board game but it is indeed a
mental and physical battle that can last for many hours as
players contemplate infinite calculations on the board.
Consider that there are more possible moves in a game of
chess than there are atoms in the entire universe or
seconds that have elapsed since the Big Bang. Now imagine
how challenging it is to calculate through all of the possible
combinations to make the next best move; clearly it's
impossible for any human to consider all the possible
moves. Hopefully this gives you some perspective as to how
tough of a “game” chess can be.
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